The Township of North Dundas is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Preston Stronach as our new Chief Building Official and Supervisor of Bylaw Services.
At the December 11th Council Meeting, Mr. Stronach was officially slotted into the new role, which was a promotion from his previous position as Junior Planner. Prior to starting his career with North Dundas, he worked as an Intern Architect with EVOQ Architecture Inc. who specializes in Heritage and Conservation architecture. He has a Masters Degree in Architecture, a Bachelor of Science in Earth Science and a diploma in Environmental Engineering.
“Preston’s strong commitment to North Dundas and his fresh ideas to be supportive of builders and residents to encourage growth in the Township make him a perfect fit for the role,” said Mayor Tony Fraser during the Council Meeting.
Councillor Matthew Uhrig echoed Mayor Fraser’s comments with, “I am glad to see his ability to think outside the box and seek out opportunities to work with builders and find solutions.” As North Dundas continues on a steady growth trajectory, it will be critical to have an agile and creative Building Division.
“I look forward to getting out there and meeting with the folks that work hard to ensure we have safe and enjoyable places to call home,” says Mr. Stronach.
December 18th will be his first day in the new role. Anyone looking at starting a new construction project, building a home or doing renovations are encouraged to reach out and Mr. Stronach would be happy to discuss the details of your project.
Mr. Stronach can be reached at 613-774-2105 Ext. 292 or email pstronach@northdundas.com.