Cass, Grenkie & Remillard

Monday - Friday: 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Cass, Grenkie & RĂ©millard in Chesterville has been providing legal services to Eastern Ontario since the early 1950s. We serve a diverse client base, representing individuals, farmers, small to medium size businesses and non-profit organizations. Our main practice areas include real estate, family law, criminal law, trusts and estates, employment law, corporate/commercial law, litigation, arbitration and mediation. Listening to you makes us a better partner in helping you achieve your objectives. We understand the value of commitment and strong relationships: you can rely on us to help you successfully manage and grow your organization or business, and to assist you through challenging times in your personal life.

13 Ralph Street, Chesterville, Ontario
Postal Code
K0C 1H0
Phone number(s)